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Certified Secure Cloud Software Certifications

Certified secure cloud software provides an array of security measures to protect the applications and infrastructure stored in the https://dataroomdot.org/what-are-the-key-features-to-look-for-in-a-board-portal-solution/ cloud of a business. This includes user authentication and control of devices, data access control and regulatory compliance support. In many cases, cloud security has encryption, which may render data indecipherable even when being accessed by unauthorised personnel.

If a cloud provider doesn’t provide adequate protection, this can cause data breaches without authorization as well as downtime and access that is not authorized. A poorly designed backup plan can increase the risks, and limited vendor support can delay incident response and recovery. Identifying vulnerabilities and developing an effective cybersecurity plan is critical for protecting against the dangers of inadequate cloud security of the provider.

A variety of certifications can help professionals build the skills to work in secure cloud environments. Certain certifications are vendor neutral while others dig deeper into the nuances a specific cloud environment. For example the CISSP credential will provide an extensive knowledge base on cloud security, while also providing a solid foundation to future professional development.

Other credentials are more beginner friendly and may complement the knowledge gained in the workplace. CompTIA’s Cloud+ certifies access control and security solutions for a cloud-based environment. IBM’s Cloud Security Engineer Specialty is another option for aspiring cybersecurity professionals who wish to expand their IT and security expertise with a focus on cloud-specific. This certification is designed to teach cloud security professionals how to keep an organization’s security posture in good shape and investigate and respond to security incidents, and implement best practices.

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